venue frustration

I am suffering from complete frustration and I thought that blogging may be a great way to vent if you aren't in the mood to hear some complaining, you may want to simply move on from this blog:)

I am loving the Wedding Planning process and for the most part things have been moving along really well up until now.  At this point most of the elements are simply ideas swirling around in my head, but I have been working to nail down whatever specifics I can so that things are less stressful as the date draws nearer.  Of course things are slightly more complicated because I live on the other side of the world, but thanks to my wonderful parents and friends at home, I am feeling very supported.

One of the specifics that is an absolute necessity to nail down is the venue.  I'm sure by my past blogs that you are assuming it is all booked and confirmed.  Not so, and not for a lack of trying.  I have never in my entire life had so much difficulty giving someone money.  It's to the point that if I wasn't totally in love with the place and if I didn't think it was perfect for my vision, I would move on and cut my losses.  Korea has definitely been teaching me patience, but I don't think there is enough patience in the world to deal with this.

Here's the scoop.  Once my parents visited the venue I was hooked and set.  I immediately requested a proposal knowing that the format of my wedding celebration is going to be slightly different (more details to come) ...I waited for a response.  When one didn't come within a week (or even an acknowledgement) I sent another email.  Again, nothing.  Then I went the next step and got my mom to start calling.  I think she called every single day for a week.  At this point it is about 3 weeks since the visit.

One morning my mom finally got ahold of the Event Manager, who is extremely friendly and let her know that she would have the proposal by noon that day, she had just been waiting for final approval on the discount she was extending.  Noon came and went.  Many noons came and went.

Are you ready to scream yet?

I was just about to have Wayne's mom start physically stalking her when the Proposal arrived in my inbox.  It was about 4 lines and didn't include many details, but it was a happy day.

I immediately responded with a positive and she promised to send it out in the mail to my parents house because we had 1 month to sign and get the cheque back to her.

This was over a month ago and nothing has arrived.  Nor is she responding to any emails or phone calls.  When I originally googled the venue I read that communication was difficult ...this is taking difficult to the next level.

On the flipside, I came across this picture today and thought it was a super cute idea for my ceremony ...or maybe a photobooth backdrop. (ps. I am talking about the white door altar)

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